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Therapy Group for Mothers

Being a mother is a challenging experience. In this group, we will come together to listen deeply to each other, process feelings, and be in community. This therapy group will be focused on processing the joys and struggles of motherhood with others who can relate and empathize. Topics that may be explored include: identity (before/after motherhood), boundaries, relationships, intimacy, work/life balance, career fulfillment, body image, parenting, families of origin, self-care, societal roles, mindfulness, and compassion.

Fridays from 9:30 - 11:00 am

Interested in this group? Start by scheduling a consultation with Jen Hill, LMFT Associate.

Adult Interpersonal Therapy Group

Group therapy offers a safe, supportive environment where individuals can develop interpersonal skills, gain new perspectives, and learn from others’ experiences while improving relationships and mental health. The group's goals are to share feelings and emotions, connect deeply, build community, explore gender and cultural roles, give and receive support, improve self-expression, alleviate anxiety, and build confidence.

Mondays from 9:00-10:30 am in the Enhancing Intimacy office

Interested in this group? Start by scheduling an initial intake session with Jen Hill, LMFT Associate.

SPOSA, Women's Group

The purpose of this therapy group is to support the healing for women who’ve experienced trauma due to betrayal through affairs, out of control sexual behavior, sex addiction, or other betrayals. Upon discovery of these secrets, members entering group may be experiencing fear, decreased self-esteem, confusion, obsessive thoughts, hyper-vigilance, other intense emotions, and feeling “crazy.” Group members experience healing through shared experiences, understanding, empathy, and coping skills. Since sexual betrayal often occurs in an atmosphere of secrets, the connection with and openness to group members helps decrease this sense of aloneness.

Thursdays from 11:00 am-12:30 pm

Interested in this group? Start by scheduling a consultation with Claudia Thompson, LPC-S, LMFT-S

Compulsive Pornography Use Therapy Group

This is a weekly therapy group for men ages 18 and up who are struggling with compulsive pornography use.

While pornography may be a harmless pastime or coping mechanism for some, others may find that continued pornography use leads to feeling “out-of-control” with pornography use behaviors.

This group exists in order to create a space for men struggling with these issues to share their experiences and hear from others struggling with similar things. The goals of this group are to explore personal goals related to sexuality and/or pornography use, reduce shame, increase feelings of normalcy, increase self-compassion and self-understanding, improve sexual and relational health, learn/practice coping skills to promote behavioral change, and explore values.

1:00 pm- 2:30 pm on Tuesdays at the Enhancing Intimacy Counseling Office

Interested in this group? Start by scheduling an initial intake session with Aaron Mink, LMFT Associate (Supervised by Claudia Thompson, LMFT-S).

Men's Therapy Group

This is a weekly therapy group for adult male-identifying individuals who are interested in processing emotions, practicing vulnerability and healthy relationship skills, and connecting with other men in a way that is often not easily accessed in everyday life. Goals of the group are to share feelings and emotions, connect deeply, build community, explore masculinity and cultural roles, give and receive support, improve self-expression, alleviate anxiety, and build confidence.

Group 1: Wednesdays from 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Group 2: Thursdays from 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Interested in this group? Start by scheduling a consultation with Jen Hill, LMFT Associate.

New Professionals Processing Group

This is a weekly therapy group for people ages 18-30 who are in the first five years of their careers. Joining the workforce is quite the challenge; you might feel like you are constantly facing questions about your role, questions about the future, insecurity, impostor syndrome, existential dread, and more. Individuals in careers like education, finance, health professionals, mental health professionals, and more, could benefit from a space to share their frustrations, fears, or concerns. In this group, we will facilitate a space for you to share all of these feelings with others experiencing similar situations. The goals of this group are to share feelings and emotions, connect with other new professionals, build community, give and receive support, improve self-expression and boundaries, alleviate anxiety, process societal expectations for workers, and build confidence.

6:30PM - 8:00PM on Tuesdays
In Person at the Enhancing Intimacy Office
Led by Aaron Mink, LMFT-Associate

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